
How to Use Epilator? Remove hair with an Epilator

How to Use, Kemei Epilator, For Hair Removal

There are just three simple steps to remove hair with an epilator.

Step 1, Find your epilator it’s like an electric razor but instead of cutting the hairs it pulls them out
of your skin simultaneously kind of like a bunch of little tweezers all at once it’s actually really sweet kind of painful it’s like an electric wax heater, works without ripping the skin with it.

2 types of Epilator Available at Inam.pk.

Kemei KM-290R

Kemei KM-2068
Step 2, Charge it & make sure it works.
Step 3, Prepare yourself for the pain you might shower, First this way your pores are opened up it doesn’t hurt as bad,if you don’t want to shower 1st then do it at night because if your skin turns red afterwards like sometimes it does when you wake up it won’t be red anymore, people like to keep it at a low speed when they’re dealing with coarse hair, like leg hair because sometimes when the speed is too high it moves so fast that it’s just like breaking the hair off instead of pulling it out, which is what you want.

How an epilator works?

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